Home / Blog / Bathing Your Dog: How Often is Ideal for a Fresh Pup?

Bathing Your Dog: How Often is Ideal for a Fresh Pup?

Jul 31, 2023Jul 31, 2023

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Humans have been breeding dogs for thousands of years, so the species varies considerably in coat type, activity level, and so much more. This means that how often you need to bathe your dog will also vary.

In general, long-haired dogs should be bathed every three to six weeks, and short-haired dogs should get a bath once every one to three months. Skin and coat health, activity level, and lifestyle also impact how often you need to bathe your dog.

In this article, we’ll discuss how often is ideal to bathe your dog, why you shouldn’t bathe them too frequently, and more.


The amount of baths your dog needs will depend on their breed, fur type, and lifestyle. It can range from once every few weeks to just a few times a year.

Usually, dogs who are more active or mischievous and those with denser or longer fur will need to be bathed most often.

If you frequently go for hikes, swims, or jump in puddles with your pup, they’ll need more baths than the average dog. Dogs who spend most of their time indoors and stay clean on walks will need fewer baths because they won’t be nearly as dirty!

Most short-haired dogs need baths only as necessary, such as if they get into something messy, have a health problem, or begin to develop a smell. You’ll typically know when it’s time to clean them up!

But if it’s been over three months since your dog’s last bath, you should get them in the tub!

Long-haired dogs tend to get things caught in their fur and just get messy easier. They typically need baths every three to six weeks depending on breed and lifestyle, but may need more frequent baths if they’re the outdoorsy, trouble-making sort!

Fur texture also matters as those with thinner straight or wavy hair will typically need less frequent bathing than those with dense, curly coats.

Dogs with skin conditions may need more frequent bathing than healthy dogs. Sometimes, your vet will recommend a special shampoo to take care of your dog’s health problems. Conditions that require frequent bathing include skin infections, parasites, and allergies.

Follow your veterinarian’s advice when it comes to how often to bathe your dog and whether any special shampoos or medications are needed.


Some people get nervous about bathing their dog in the winter since it’s cold. It is true that you don’t want to let your wet pup out in the snow.

But, you can bathe your dog just as often in winter so long as you dry their coat thoroughly before letting them outside. If they don’t like the blow dryer, towel dry them and then keep them in the warm house until they’re no longer wet.

Your dog may not need frequent baths in the winter if they aren’t doing as many outdoor activities and thus aren’t getting as dirty.

It can also be challenging to bathe dogs in the winter, particularly if you can’t get them into the tub. In cold climates, hosing your dog off outside just isn’t feasible.

In these cases, you may choose to space out their baths longer if that’s possible for your dog. You can also try training them to get into the tub, using a bathing station at your local pet store, or having a dog groomer bathe your pup.

©Danielle W Press/

Bathing your dog too much can dry out their skin. This can also cause them to have more dander or flaky skin.

Some people bathe their dogs frequently due to their own dog allergies, and this can be counterproductive due to the extra dander produced when the skin is too dry.

Frequent baths can also damage a dog’s coat and strip away the natural oils necessary to maintain skin and coat health.

Daily baths are unnecessary for a dog unless they have a health problem warranting it. If your pup always gets dirty in one area, you may be able to clean just that place. For instance, muddy feet or a dirty bum don’t require a full-body bath every time.

Some breeds can be bathed weekly, but it doesn’t tend to be ideal and may still cause dry skin. Using a dog conditioner or reducing the frequency of baths can help.

Brushing can be a good substitute for frequent bathing as well, especially if your pup is short-haired and just has some dry debris like dirt in their coat.


Whether or not your dog enjoys baths will depend on many factors, including breed, personality, training, past experiences, and more.

Breeds like Labradors and Poodles were bred to hunt waterfowl; therefore, they are more likely to enjoy the water.

If your dog dislikes baths, it may be a personality trait. Or, they’ve had bad experiences in the past or haven’t been trained to accept bath time.

While some dogs will never enjoy baths, they should be taught to tolerate them, and baths should be as positive of an experience as possible.

Below are some ways to help make bath time more fun for your dog.


You can also bring your dog to a professional groomer for their bath. Since most long-haired dogs require professional grooming anyway, this can be a simple way to manage their hygiene.

However, it’s still good to desensitize your dog to the process at home if you can. This will make your groomer’s job easier and ensure they can bathe your dog successfully!

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In general, long-haired dogs should be bathed every three to six weeks, and short-haired dogs should get a bath once every one to three months. Skin and coat health, activity level, and lifestyle also impact how often you need to bathe your dog.Check the water temperature. Running water can be scary. Offer treats–lick mats are perfect for bath time! Introduce the tub slowly. Never punish your dog for disliking the bath. Purchase a dog shampoo. Desensitize them slowly if possible. Wet their coat thoroughly. Lather shampoo in your hands, then wash your dog’s entire body down to the skin. Rinse well. Use dog conditioner if desired or needed. Thank you for reading! If you have feedback on this post, please contact the AZ Animals editorial team.